Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Citrix Online Plugin SSOn with Windows 7 x64

I was having issues getting SSOn working with any version of the Online plugin on Windows 7 x64. Mainly I was working on getting it running with the Citrix Receiver 2.0 deploying Full online plugin 12.1.

Checked that ssonsvr.exe was indeed running.

Found that the GPO template provided by Citrix contains what appears to be invalid entries for the SSOn keys. (note that SSOn for winXP working using these settings)

Finally, discovered that it *was* the credentials that SSOn was attempting to use. I found that using the FQDN for the domain field would result in a failure, but using the "pre-Windows 2000" domain name would work.

Bingo, the PNA services site was set to allow only the "pre-windows 2000" version of the domain name. On the services site I added a second allowed domain name as the fqdn and everything took off running. Apparently XP was passing through the domain name that I had allowed, whereas Windows 7 was using the FQDN (which would make sense).

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