Monday, July 8, 2013

IIS7 - Cannot find the certificate request that is associated with this certificate file

Seems like once a year (or longer) when I renew our SSL cert this causes me some headache.  The worst part about the error is that it's false and the cert was created just fine!

In this case I create the CSR and get the new cert which is delivered in PKCS #7 (.p7b).  When you "complete Certificate Request" and point it to the p7b file (note you have to change it to *.*) you then get the error "Cannot find the certificate request that is associated with this certificate file".

At that point I usually troubleshoot if I created the p7b incorrectly (which I did nothing wrong).

Instead you just need to click OK and then hit refresh (F5) on the IIS7 certificates screen.  Your new cert appears :)

At this point you can export it as pfx and convert to pem if needed.

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